Charleston County is following a detailed environmental review process in our development of the Highway 41 Corridor Improvements project. The process makes certain that the development of projects is not done without careful study, to discover any significant individual or cumulative environmental impacts that a proposed project would create.
The USACE permit application, Environmental Report and supporting documentation was submitted to the USACE in May 2023. USACE is currently undergoing its permitting process. A 30-day Public Notice comment period was held June 9, 2023 through July 9, 2023.
The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) permit application and supporting documentation was submitted to the SCDES in December 2023. SCDES is currently undergoing its permitting process.
An environmental report is required for projects requiring a federal action to:
Initiate the Environmental Process
Collect Data
Analyze Alternatives
Publish Draft Environmental Document
Publish Final Environmental Document - we are here
Make Decision