Our Commitment
Safeguarding Community Resources
Charleston County and the Highway 41 project team are committed to working collaboratively with local communities and impacted landowners to implement mitigation measures that will safeguard community resources and minimize impacts associated with Alternative 1. Community outreach will continue during the USACE permitting and NEPA process, the construction phase, and after completion of construction.
Community Mitigation Plan & Advisory Committee
Realizing the adverse effects that the proposed project will have on the Phillips and Seven Mile communities, the project team is developing a Community Mitigation Plan to define commitments to adjacent communities and the natural environment. The draft Community Mitigation Plan and Community Impact Assessment can be viewed online at http://hwy41sc.com/resources.html.
The project team has been listening to the local communities and has developed an early draft of the Community Mitigation Plan, and portions of the plan are available for review. The project team will be forming a Community Mitigation Advisory Committee, which will be comprised of stakeholders and community members representing the Phillips Community and Seven Mile, who will review and provide guidance and input on the Mitigation Plan. Below are ideas in the draft plan that were developed based on what we’ve heard from these local communities to date.
Community Mitigation Ideas
- Work with impacted property owners to enhance their property
- Assist heirs property owners through the acquisition process
- Develop educational programs
- Support for community events
- Identify, document, and evaluate Gullah African-American Traditional Cultural Properties
- Develop recreation fields and/or community center
- Develop access to Horlbeck Creek
- Add landscaping as buffers on Highway 41
- Provide historical and cultural signage
- Improve access to Greater Goodwill AME Church